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The coverages and services described herein are summaries only. All policies should be read carefully to determine exclusions, limitations and other terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict, the terms and conditions of the policy will govern. All coverages and services may not be available for all businesses or in all states. This program is not available in AK, or HI. Please contact your agent or broker for details.
Coverage is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Co. and its property and casualty insurance affiliates (CA lic #8701). In TX, this insurance is written by Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd., Hartford Casualty Insurance Company, Hartford Lloyd’s Insurance Company, Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company, Twin City Fire Insurance Company, Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company and Hartford Fire Insurance Company. In WA, this insurance is written by Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford Casualty Insurance Company, Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company, Twin City Fire Insurance Company, Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd. and Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest.